

Tiferet is a Hebrew word that means beauty or splendor and represents a balance and growth of love and limits. Learn more about the meaning, origin, and application of Tiferet in spiritual practice and culture from Mark Hofstetter and the Tiferet Project.

Tiferet-- which literally means "beauty" or "glory" -- is the most central as it mediates between chesed ("kindness") and gevurah ("strength"). Literally taken, the word "middle" implies a compromise, a "little of this" and a "little of that."

Tifiret, Emanation of Beauty. The sixth Emanation. Tiferet is without extremes or absolutes. His temperate force allows the power of the rest of the Emanations to exist in beautiful harmony. As each other aspect rages around him, he neither yields nor resists.

In this lesson, David explains the energy and concepts that are connected to Tiferet. Tiferet contains an aspect of completion and by understanding the story of Jacob, the Chariot for Tiferet, we can connect to this powerful energy of balance. Tiferet is also connected to the idea of paradoxes and David introduces the concept of Mati v'lo Mati.

Tiferet (Beauty) (also translated as "glory") is found in the middle of the "tree" of sefirot, a balancing force between Hesed and Gevurah, in fact, their offspring. This balance is essential to the proper running of the universe.

Tiferet is the ideal blend, expansiveness that is balanced with control, trust with caution, and giving with restraint. How does tiferet work? The Kabbalistic masters explain that both kindness and restraint are primarily inwardly driven: they are motivated by an internal need and tendency.

Tiferet (Harmony; Beauty; Compassion): (lit,. "beauty") the third of the ten Middot, or Divine attributes, and their corresponding emotional attributes in the human soul; fuses the influence of Chessed and Gevurah and reveals a light that transcends them both; often identified with Mercy

Tiferet. T iferet is the sixth of the ten sefirot, and the third of the emotive attributes within Creation. Tiferet appears in the configuration of the sefirot along the middle axis, directly beneath da'at (or beneath keter, when da'at is excluded), and corresponds in the tzelem Elokim to the upper torso (in particular, the heart).

To live infused with Tiferet / beauty is to experience the harmonious blending of love, awe, truth, kindness and respect. Tiferet will lead Jacob and Rachel, and their progeny, toward their individual and collective destinies. Now more than ever Tiferet is the sefirah for the future of humanity.

Tiferet, the sixth Sefirah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, stands at the center, embodying Beauty, Harmony, and Balance. It represents the point of equilibrium where the mercy of Chesed and the discipline of Gevurah converge. In Christian Kabbalah, Tiferet acquires a profound symbolic...

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